Why Massage Therapy is the Missing Link in Pain Management and Emotional Healing
Pain causes us to guard the injured area. Chronic pain causes us to not only guard the area but change our breath ensuring that area is protected. This fear of pain creates an automatic response from your body…the sympathetic/fear pose. (Head tilted forward, shoulders...
Selfcare is Not about Trying
I am trying! How many times have you said that concerning your selfcare? When you finally fall sick and you have to stay home from work? When you realize you have very little compassion for others and expect others to comply with...
The Meaning of Centering Massage’s Logo
I chose our logo in September 2002 as a triangle with circles coming into it. The triangle represents the strongest geometric form (on the body that would be your heart) with the circles representing bringing people into their strength. I believe massage connects one...
Making Your Body a Good Home for You
‘Making your body a good home for you’ is Centering Massage’s tagline. You live in your body. When you’re not connected to your body, dis-ease steps in. Your sense of well-being is then replaced by living for survival. Self care is necessary in recognizing the home...
THE Signature Massage: What makes this Centering’s Signature?
All of Centering’s massages are based on our ‘Signature Massage.’ Our Signature Massage will include hot stones glided over you, and a hot towel compress for your back using our Lotus Touch Seaweed gel. You will have the option of having your hands and feet wrapped in...
Love, Relaxation or Deep? What Type of Massage Does Your Body Need?
The first question when scheduling a massage is what kind of massage do I need? There are three general types of massage: Relaxation (Swedish), Therapeutic (Treatment) and Deep Tissue. At Centering Massage we define the three as: Relaxation: Rhythmic strokes...