‘Making your body a good home for you’ is Centering Massage’s tagline. You live in your body. When you’re not connected to your body, dis-ease steps in. Your sense of well-being is then replaced by living for survival.

Self care is necessary in recognizing the home you live in. Our sense of smell is our strongest sense in cell memory.

At Centering Massage we sell and use in our massage rooms Farmhouse Fresh Spa products. Farmhouse Fresh is all about smell and freshness in producing hydration to your skin.

When you take our product home, the smell will take your body back to our massage rooms. Your body will open up in absorbing this product stimulating your sense of that ‘state of well being’ that our massage gave you at your latest service at Centering Massage. This ‘state of well being’ will cause your body to beat at a faster frequency elevating you above stress, pain and emotional drain taking you to your heart where healing and transformation happens.

Escape is a bottle away!

About the Author:

Connie Weisel
Founder of Centering Massage 2002
LMT & Owner

Connie has personally given thousands of massages that included medical, insurance work, PIP’s (auto accidents) and relaxation. She is excited to share what she has observed, learned and mastered in the massage room.

Voted Best of Central Kitsap Massage Therapist 2013 & Small Business of the Year Award 2016